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Favorite Product of the Week – Surebonder Glue Gun

If you are a crafter and haven’t used the fine-tipped glue gun by SUREBONDER for detailed gluing you don’t know what you’re missing!

From my experience the full-sized glue guns (and even mini guns) are impossible to use for delicate projects – it usually ends up looking like a mess.  I’ve burned myself way too many times because of all the excess glue and was beyond excited when I came across the SUREBONDER fine-tip gun at Joann’s 3 years ago – I snatched up a few for sure!

I used to have a love/hate relationship with these guns because I LOVED the fine-tip but I hated worrying about problems.  Over the years I’ve experienced issues with their guns having faulty designs (right out of the package).  I’ve kept the glue guns as back-ups and actually bought their newest design a few weeks ago which doesn’t have any of the previous faults.  I contacted the company just last week about the 3 guns I’ve purchased which were bad over the years and they shipped me 3 new ones free of charge – no questions asked!

I love companies that stand behind their products!  So that’s why this is my favorite tool of the week because now I don’t have anymore worries and I feel like the company took care of the problem.

(Here’s a picture of the 3 different models I’ve owned)
The 1st gun is about 2-1/2 years old and the metal tip always fell out when gluing, the 2nd is about 1 year old and right out of the package the metal ring around the tip fell off and the trigger would stick on the inside and you’d have to squeeze really hard and the 3rd is their newest model which I haven’t had any problems with.

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