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Make your own camera strap cover!

Tutorial for making your own camera strap cover.
Enjoy crafting at home!
These strap covers are not only cute (how can you resist the ruffle and flower), but they’re cushy and have a place to put your lens cover and an extra battery.
What you need: 1/4 yd main fabric, 1/4 yd fabric for ruffle and flower, 1/4 yd lining fabric (optional), yard stick, thread, needle, string (optional), glue gun, and scissors.
 For your ruffle and flower, rip a 2-inch and 1-inch strip down the width of your fabric.  To do this, just cut a little into the edge of your fabric and pull the two pieces apart.  Pull off any stray threads.  Cut these two strips to 38-inches long.  Iron flat.
Main fabric: cut two pieces 26-inches x 3-inches and two pieces 4-inches x 3-inches (for pockets).
Lining fabric: cut two pieces 26-inches x 3-inches.  (Lining is optional, but recommended for adding stability to light-weight fabrics).
For the ruffle you’ll take your 2-inch wide strip and fold it down the center (with right sides out) and sew 1/4-inch away from the center fold.
Next, you’ll iron the center pleat down flat – this takes patience!
Next, you’ll sew a long-basting stitch (for gathering) down the center of your pleat.  IMPORTANT: be sure not to back stitch or you won’t be able to pull on our threads to gather!!
Pull on one of the threads on one end and hold onto it firmly while you slide the material down.  Do this for both sides.  You’ll want to fit your ruffle (with ends tucked under 1/4-inch) onto one of your main fabric pieces and have it 1 1/4-inches away from each end.  Pin in place along the entire length.
Iron ruffle down flat.  This is fastest and easiest with a steam iron!  Then sew along the center (over your gathering stitch) of your ruffle to tack it in place.
Edge-finish your pockets by sewing across one short end and press down flat 1/2-inch.
Sew across the top to hem.  Place pocket pieces over each other with the top pocket 1/2-inch below the bottom one.  Pin in place.
Flip your pockets over and fold extra fabric on the bottom (from top pocket) over bottom pocket.  Press flat.
Pin pockets on remaining main fabric strip with the bottom of the pockets 1 1/2-inches away from the end.  Stitch across the bottom of the pockets close to the edge.  Baste sides down close to the edge to hold in place.
Layer your strips of fabric: lining, main fabric with ruffle (good side UP), main fabric with pockets (good side DOWN), and then lining. 
With all raw edges even, pin your fabrics together along one long edge.  Sew/serge along this edge 1/4-inch.
Open and pin along shorter ends.  Sew/serge along these edges 1/4-inch.
Fold fabrics back in half and match up remaining raw edge.  Sew/serge along this edge 1/4-inch.
Turn right-side out.  This takes a bit of time but it IS possible.
 Press cover flat.
Fold serged ends inside 1/2-inch and pin in place.
Using a needle and string (or thread), hand-stitch ends down.  I like the string because it’s bulky and original looking.
Tie your ends together a few times and trim.
Now for the fun part!
Take your 1-inch strip of material and tie a knot on one end.
You’ll create your flower rosette by twisting your strip of material while rolling it around your knot.  Dab it with hot glue every so often to hold it all together.
It’s coming together!
Glue the end of your fabric to the bottom.
Isn’t it cute!?
Spread hot glue all along the bottom and stick it on over your ruffle!
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  • Reply ATKG

    Im so glad you made this one for looks quite tricky! AND..I get soo many comments on it. It makes me look like a weathered photographer…LOVE THAT!

    February 28, 2013 at 7:21 am
  • Reply Melanie and Billy Hunter

    This is so cute! I want one…how much?

    February 28, 2013 at 7:21 am
  • Reply Jessica Friedman

    Thanks for posting this! I just finished making it for my sister for Christmas and it turned out super cute!

    February 28, 2013 at 7:21 am
  • Reply Kristine McKowen

    Love this tutorial

    February 28, 2013 at 7:21 am
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