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Cricut Cutting Machine

If you haven’t heard of a Cricut cutting machine you don’t know what you’re missing!  I’ve mentioned about my Cricut a few times in other posts and I thought I’d share some more projects with you (I use it a lot)!  I had actually never used one before I got mine.  I found mine used for $100 and it was a great buy!  I had to buy cutting matts, blades, vinyl, paper, markers, tools and a few cartridges to go with it and that added up fast!  Now that I have everything the only costs is replenishing what I run out of.

Some Projects:
I used clear contact paper from the dollar store to cut out a sticky ‘stencil’.
The ‘stencil’ comes off super easy after the fabric paint is dry!
 The machine I have will write for you (with the right markers/pens)!  I velcro-ed this sign onto our dishwasher (it doesn’t help keep the sink clean BTW).


I put this on our garage door as you enter – the vinyl holds up really well!
This basket+strawberries was one of the first projects my kids ever did.  My kids love the Cricut and it’s a fun/easy way to do crafts with your kids!

Family chore board.  The job cards are papers which are cut and glue together as layers.  The lettering is vinyl.
Cardstock for a sign (can you tell I have white carpet that I’m trying to protect!?).
I helped a friend make this sign.  We used clear contact paper as a stencil that we stuck to the board and used acrylic paint to dap over.
 My kids loved these spiders out of cardstock.
 They looks so real and creepy!

 Metallic cardstock for Christmas ornaments.
 Fold and glue sections together.
 Cutting chipboard for a nativity!…
…glued 3 layers of it together to get the thickness I desired.
Made a subdivision sign using outdoor vinyl.
And of course using the good ole minivan as a way to advertise!
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