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New Miter Stand and Rolling Carts (Garage Clean-Out)

I’m going to do something terrible.  I’m going to show you how bad my garage can get (and I even creep onto my husbands side, too)!

This is MY side of the garage:

Something had to be done.

I first turned my attention to this huge-massive table the previous owners left.  At first I was excited to have a large work table but after a while I realized it took up too much space and didn’t provide much storage space.  I had my miter saw on it but large boards would hit into the wall and it was a magnet for junk to pile on.  (Take note of that cardboard box full of old drawer slides on the shelf – they’ve been bumming around for a few years and I finally put them to use!)

I was excited to take the table apart and run the boards through my jointer/planer to make something else out of them.

I saw this system that Ana White made and I knew it was what I needed!

I’m pleased to say that I used all the wood from the old table (except the MDF table top) for my new miter stand and rolling carts.

Of course I had to buy a lot of plywood!  Thank goodness I got 2 really nice sheets of birch at Home Depot on clearance!

This is how it all began!  Building the frame for the stand came together quickly!

The main stand was a super easy build but the rolling carts were a different story.  They weren’t difficult.. just tedious to do over a 2 day period (during nap time and trying to rush and be productive).  Who else has tunnel vision when projects are in the works?? – I’m anxious to use up every spare minute until it’s finished!

To flush cut the plywood around edges that had an opening I used my large square as a ‘fence’ to ride against.

Once I had everything build things got put on hold.  I didn’t do much to organize because projects kept coming.

 And coming they did!  Things usually get worse before they get better, right!?  Notice on the cart I cut open the center.  My idea was to put drawers there because I have a lot of little knick-knacks that don’t have a proper place (can you tell?).

 It took me months to FINALLY put some drawers together.  What I love most is that I used those pesky drawer slides that I kicked around the garage for a year (I almost put them up for free on Craigslist, too)!  It took me 3 hours to get the box frames built, sanded and installed with slides (during nap time of course).

 Later that night when everyone was sleeping I put the face frames on.  I started at the bottom and worked my way to the top customizing each one as I went.

 I’m so so happy these are done!

 These carts are invaluable.  They give me so much table space for glue-ups and various projects.

 I love the shelves on each end.  I customized this cart to have deeper shelves then the other for my bigger things.

 I added shelves in the other cart so I could organize my wood scraps easier.

Another thing I did from the plans was add peg board on the end caps – super easy to add a groove in the leg boards and slide it in as you build!

 This was about a week ago.  I’ve been using all my spare time to finish projects, organize, move things around, dust, sweep, etc.

 All my big tools are pushed into this corner.  The next matter of business is to get my dust collection routed to each tool!  

One of my happiest moments was organizing all my spray paints, stains, chemicals, etc and getting them out of the plastic bins they were stored in.  Why didn’t I do this earlier!?.. this shelf has been sitting with a few things on it for the longest time!

It should be easier to keep the garage clean now that things have their place and I know where they should go.  It isn’t perfect yet (you don’t see the pile of projects on my other table and the huge oak table+10 chairs waiting to be sanded/re-finished).

Thanks to Ana White!… This miter stand and rolling cart system was JUST what I needed!
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  • Reply Anonymous

    I like this concept. I visited your blog for the first time and just been your fan. Keep posting as I am gonna come to read it everyday!! Check Now

    September 27, 2017 at 7:58 am
  • Reply Dani

    I love having fans! I'll try to keep up with the posts! 🙂 In the meantime I post almost daily on Instagram: Danicarbyelle

    September 27, 2017 at 7:59 am
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