I’ve been creating a handful of Christmas tree ornaments with the intent on making tutorials on how I did each one and that’s exactly what I’m here to do (along with showing you how I decorated my tree)!
I wanted our decorations to include as many natural things as possible and I wanted to make as many ornaments as I could.
So I don’t overload you with pictures and information I will break things up into several posts as follows:
PS – I should give a huge shout out to my family because they’ve had to deal with me for the last few months as I’ve juggled endless projects! Not only have I been taking over the formal dining room since before Halloween and using it as “Dani’s Craft Studio” but my thoughts and attention haven’t been on them as much as I’d like, the house chores have suffered as well as their Dinners (oops!). I’m hoping life will be more normal now 😇
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