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Old Singer Machine & Attachments + Cute Baby Shoes & Boots!

I took a ride down memory lane yesterday.  I haven’t made little shoes for over a year.  I started my whole sewing business about 7-years-ago making baby shoes and it slowly evolved into 2 Etsy shops, teaching sewing classes and making patterns… and a love of sewing machines!

These little slippers are for up to 6-months-old.  They’re soft-soled and people have told me these slip-on shoes are the only ones that stay on their child’s feet without digging into their ankles.  I love hearing that!  You can buy the pattern, here.
These 3 boots were made using the same pattern, size 6 to 12-moths old.  They’re super easy to make and you can really customize the look of them with buttons, ribbons, lace, etc.  They feature an elastic sewn onto the inside that hugs around the ankle so the boots don’t slip off.  You can also turn down the top of the boot to make them shorter with a cuff-look.  You can buy the pattern, here.
I made these boots out of a man-made suede and trimmed the edge with a little white ruffle.  I used jean-tack buttons for the closure.  I used my buttonhole maker for these key-hole buttons.  This old Singer 201-2 I’m using is just straight stitch but you can use these buttonhole attachments that have different templates and they make perfect buttonholes every time (even more perfect than a new $7,000 modern machine).
These corduroy boots have a ruffle detail.  I used a strip of chiffon fabric and fed it through my sweet ruffler attachment that makes perfect ruffles in seconds.
These denim boots have a Velcro closure and are trimmed with 3 layers of lace.  Again, this machine I used doesn’t have a zigzag stitch but I found this sweet 1950’s attachment at the thrift store last week and was so excited!  It has different cams for a few different stitches.  It grabs onto your fabric and moves your fabric underneath the needle instead of your needle moving back & forth to create the stitch.  I also used this zigzag attachment to put the elastic on the lining.

Just had to show off these cool attachments and these cute shoes/boots!
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1 Comment

  • Reply My Sewing Memory

    Gorgeous collections…gorgeous projects 🙂

    August 19, 2015 at 7:46 am
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